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Meet our Governors

Yvonne McLeod

Chair of Governors

Term of Office: 8th November 2024 - 31st July 2025

Yvonne has a B.Ed. (Hons) from Exeter University and worked in distribution and logistics for some years before becoming a mother. When her children started school, Yvonne became a governor and started supporting other school governors as an additional skills governor, going on to become a national leader of governance (NLG) and now a local leader of governance (LLG). Yvonne has experience in delivering governor training and conducting external reviews of governance.  When not governing, Yvonne enjoys walking, knitting and baking.







Louise Thomson

Parent Governor 

Term of Office: 10th December 2021 - 9th December 2025

Louise joined the governing body in December 2021 and has one son at Send. She was keen to take up the role to have an opportunity to give back to the school and to work with the other governors to support the strong values-based education that the staff offer. Professionally, she's spent twenty-five years in marketing & brand strategy and is currently a director in the consulting arm of Kantar, the world's largest market research company. She hopes to bring some of that experience to her role as governor, particularly in terms of helping organisations decide the right strategy to meet the needs of their customers and to attract new users.                                                    

Louise grew up in Mayford and now lives in Old Woking with her husband and son.









Divya Balasubramanian

Foundation PCC Governor

Term of Office: 4th August 2023 to 3rd August 2027

Divya joined Send as a governor in the new academic year of 2023. Divya has 10 years of corporate experience in the business and analytical domain and currently works a Data Scientist in NHS England. She also mentors and runs a peer support group to empower women in tech. She hopes to bring some of her strategic experience and skills to this role.

Having volunteered with several charities in various roles, including teaching and mentoring, she is very passionate about education and contributing towards giving back to the community.

Divya lives in Woking with her husband. When she's not working, she loves to read, travel or sing.


Harriet Gill
Foundation PCC Governor
Term of Office: 19th February 2024 - 18th February 2028
Harriet brings 25 years of commercial experience and 10 years specifically working with Public Sector clients to her role as Governor at Send CofE. Harriet's understanding of the challenges faced by schools, along with her problem-solving approach, makes her a valuable partner in the quest for continuous improvement within the school.

Working with schools, MATs, and government entities has provided her with insights into the specific challenges faced by educational  institutions and driven a passion for problem-solving and commitment to optimising efficiencies in schools, giving teachers more time for teaching, whilst driving up retention and reducing recruitment costs.

Harriet believes in leveraging smart technology as well as human expertise to drive positive outcomes for teachers, students, and the   overall education system. Harriet lives locally in Send with her husband and 13-year-old son and is thrilled to be a Governor at Send CofE Primary School.



Daisy Whetlor

 Staff Governor

Term of Office: 1st September 2024 to 31st August 2028

 Daisy is a Year 2 Teacher at Send CofE Primary School, bringing four years of experience from roles as a Teaching Assistant, Trainee    Teacher, to now a Classroom Teacher with experience in both KS1 and KS2.  She cares deeply about the wellbeing and progress of the children at Send and joining the Governing Body shows her dedication to their growth.  Daisy's journey at the school reflects her passion for education and the students she teaches, making her an essential part of the school community.









Marianne McDonnell


Term of Office: Ex Officio 


Rev Louise Vincer

Ex Officio 

Term of Office: 23rd October 2024

Louise started work as the parish priest at St Mary’s, Send in October 2024. She was ordained 25 years ago, beginning work in Waltham Abbey in Essex. She has also worked in south London, Lincolnshire and Canterbury, developing a specialism in leading through change. Louise is delighted to be living and working in Send and growing relationships with the school community. Her husband Andrew Dodd is also a priest in the Church of England and they have two teenage children who thrived in their church of England primary school.